Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF: A Comprehensive Review

Gauthier Morals by Agreement is a book that discusses the concept of moral theory in relation to social contracts. The book argues that moral obligations are first derived from a rational agreement between individuals, rather than being innate or derived from divine sources. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive review of the Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF and discuss the key themes and arguments presented in the book.

Overview of Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF

The Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF is a philosophical work that was first published in 1986 by David Gauthier, a Canadian philosopher. The book presents a new approach to ethical reasoning, which is grounded in the notion of social contracts. Gauthier argues that moral obligations arise from rational agreements between individuals, rather than being dictated by tradition or divine command.

In this book, Gauthier attempts to provide a comprehensive account of moral theory by developing a social contract approach. He posits that the moral rules that govern societies are not necessarily rooted in divine law but are instead the result of a rational agreement between individuals. He argues that people enter into social contracts to secure their mutual welfare and that such contracts should create a moral framework that would enable them to live together peacefully.

Key Themes in Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF

The Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF revolves around some key themes, which include:

1. The social contract approach to moral theory

2. Rationality as the basis for moral reasoning

3. A critique of traditional ethical theories

4. Cooperation and collective action

5. The role of morality in social cohesion

The social contract approach to moral theory is the most fundamental theme in the Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF. Gauthier believes that people voluntarily enter into social contracts to secure their mutual benefit and that this creates the basis for moral obligations. He argues that people are rational and that they will act in their self-interest if left to their own devices. Therefore, by voluntarily entering into a social contract, individuals can create a moral framework that encourages cooperation and promotes collective action.

Rationality is another key theme in the Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF. Gauthier presents rationality as the foundation for moral reasoning. He argues that people are rational beings who can evaluate their interests and make rational decisions. By acting rationally, individuals can maximize their own self-interest and that of others in the society.

A critique of traditional ethical theories is also a central theme in the book. Gauthier argues that traditional ethical theories, such as utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, and natural law theory, fall short in explaining moral obligations. He contends that these theories have limitations in their ability to account for the complexities of human relationships and social structures.

Cooperation and collective action are also central themes in the Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF. Gauthier believes that people can achieve mutual benefits by working together and that this can create the basis for moral obligations. He argues that cooperation and collective action are essential for creating a moral society.

Finally, the role of morality in social cohesion is another key theme in the book. Gauthier argues that morality serves to promote social cohesion by creating a shared moral framework that individuals can use to interact with one another. He posits that this shared moral framework is essential for creating a stable and just society.


In conclusion, the Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF is a significant contribution to the field of moral theory. The book presents a novel approach to ethical reasoning, which is grounded in the notion of social contracts. Gauthier argues that moral obligations arise from rational agreements between individuals, rather than being dictated by tradition or divine command. The book`s key themes include the social contract approach to moral theory, rationality as the basis for moral reasoning, a critique of traditional ethical theories, cooperation and collective action, and the role of morality in social cohesion. Overall, the Gauthier Morals by Agreement PDF is an excellent read for anyone interested in the foundations of moral theory.

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